Typical Left Wing MSM response to opposition: “Bury head in sand and pretend it isn’t happening”. Sad. Pathetic. MH Hugo Talks MSM Totally IGNORE Trafalgar Square Crowds #london#lockdown Forty to Fifty Thousand estimated crowd, and it isn’t newsworthy? Astounding. Does this not demonstrate how corrupt and biased the MSM truly […]

Melbourne residents are prisoners in their city, risking indefinite detention for ‘pre-crime’ and even having their kids taken based on Covid statistics that are often inaccurate. How long before this spreads elsewhere? Helen BuyniskiRTThu, 24 Sep 2020 Americans would be wise to pay attention to what’s going on Down Under. […]

Censorship is what tyrants do. From Gary D. Barnett at lewrockwell.com: “If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.” ~ John Stuart Mill, On Liberty ch. […]
