Rains have lasted over 30 days and are continuing. And many other disasters are hitting at once including tornadoes, hailstorms, torrents, mudslides, and earthquakes — in addition to a possible new virus outbreak from the swine flu, and also expected locusts. In Chongqing, videos show large-scale mudslides rushing towards highways, […]

Surprise, surprise, the European Commission (EC) had a “Roadmap on Vaccination ” ready months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. Daniele Pozzati – Strategic Culture Foundation June 29, 2020 The Roadmap should lead to a “commission proposal for a common vaccination card / passport for EU citizens by 2022”. Last […]

Was SARS CoV-2 man made and if so by whom? First some illuminating figures: Hunger kills 9 million people every year. That’s 30 times more than SARS-CoV-2 and its alleged 365,000 deaths. It would cost between $7 and $249 billion to eradicate hunger. Meanwhile, the U.S. has already thrown more than $6 trillion at the coronavirus crisis. That […]
