zugzwang[ tsook-tsvahng ]noun Chess. a situation in which a player is limited to moves that cost pieces or have a damaging positional effect. by Martin Harris 3/8/19 An extraordinary situation is taking place in Hong Kong. Handed back to China in 1997 after many years of British Colonial rule, Hong […]
We’ve been reporting the agenda for years, and now it’s formalized. Post-quake Christchurch belongs to the UN New World Order. How so? Martin Harris 2/8/19 Immediately after the 2011 quake that devastated the CBD and large portions of the Eastern suburbs, the government stepped in and purchased the “Red Zone” […]
Looks like the ethical Pandora’s Box is opened. Mind you, behind closed doors it’s probably been opened for years…MH Tim SandleDigital JournalSat, 27 Jul 2019 19:39 UTC Japan has approved the first ever human-animal embryo experiments. This research could produce an alternative sources of organs for transplant. However, there are […]
On Monday, the Washington Post reported that Huawei had been secretly working in North Korea on various communication projects, including building and maintaining the country’s wireless network Source: homelandsecuritynewswire.com Huawei’s work has been in direct violation of the sanctions imposed on North Korea because of its nuclear weapons activity. The […]
Is Roberts correct in singling out the Democrats as the “bad guys”, or is this the same old diversionary two-party, one controller illusion? Paul Craig Roberts – paulcraigroberts.org July 25, 2019 Earlier today I posted my comments with links to the congressional questioning of Mueller about his report that, despite […]
It seems that every year, there’s handwringing about some impending catastrophe or other. After hearing it for 52 years, as the author has, one tends to get a bit blasé. But sooner or later something’s going to get us! But what, and when? by Martin Harris 25/7/19 Sometimes the warning […]
The British counterpart of Yale’s Skull and Bones? Oxford University’s Bullingdon Club has spawned a rogue’s gallery of Elite movers and shakers over the years, and has a dark reputation. Now an embarrassment to many of the luminaries posing in self-important swagger, we thought this was an apt moment to […]
“Thou shalt not kill”? Apparently at least one of the Ten Commandments doesn’t apply, according to the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. God may be “present in this space” (as an omnipotent being would), but would The Creator approve? MH Micaiah Bilger – Life Site News June 11, 2019 Calling […]
The science is settled, is it? Not according to The Global Warming Petition Project! Purpose of Petition The purpose of the Petition Project is to demonstrate that the claim of “settled science” and an overwhelming “consensus” in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent climatological damage is […]
Interesting and balanced perspective on the ongoing protests and their political and historical context: July 18, 2019Asif Aziz For more than three months, people in Hong Kong massed in the streets to protest a proposed extradition law. Critics say it would allow China to extradite dissenting students, journalists, and business people […]