“Mr Assange showed all symptoms typical for prolonged exposure to psychological torture, including extreme stress, chronic anxiety and intense psychological trauma.” Date: June 1, 2019 Author: Nwo Report Original Source: Sputnik WikiLeaks issued a statement on Wednesday expressing “grave concerns” about Julian Assange, founder of the whistleblowing website, saying that his health […]
It was not by coincidence that yesterday marked the beginning of four different meetings of some of the world’s most powerful, despotic and increasingly nervous bloodline feudalists. In Montreux, Switzerland the 67th Bilderberg Meeting began with 130 participants from 23 countries. Today in Mecca, Saudi Arabia King Salman bin Abdul […]
Why has the much hyped hyperloop been scaled back to a Tesla-in-a-tunnel? No doubt many readers will be familiar with the RAND concept for an underground Rapid Transit System and the persistent rumours that the weird rattles and booms coming from underground across the US are a result of either […]
Not really surprising, as much of today’s MSM seems to be composed of keen Leftists: Eoin LenihanQuilletteWed, 29 May 2019 16:32 UTC © Andy NgoAntifa thugs On February 1, 2017, Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to give a talk about free speech at the University of California, Berkeley. But he was […]
“It Was Supposed to Be Australia’s Climate Change Election. What Happened?” Written by William F. Jasper “It Was Supposed to Be Australia’s Climate Change Election. What Happened?” That was the headline of an election news analysis piece by Damien Cave for the New York Times on May 19. Matt McDonald […]
The near-monopoly on the rare metals processing industry by China is becoming an increasingly obvious advantage in the Super-Power Trade-War, as the following article illustrates, the brewing US – Iran situation will add to China’s advantage. Note that “rare metals” aren’t all that rare or exclusively found in China, but […]
An interesting perspective on the Tradewar situation and how America’s treatment of Huawei may actually play in the CCP favour! Chris KanthanSott.netSat, 25 May 2019 19:59 UTC SaveTrump and the entire group of US political and corporate elites are doing Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) an incredible […]
AARRGH! It’s a “climate emergency!” the sky is falling! The MSM resorts to Chicken Little alarmist tactics when facts and logic fail: Wuwt.comSun, 19 May 2019 15:01 UTC The Guardian‘s editor has just issued this new guidance to all staff on language to use when writing about climate change and […]
Gifts or bribes? asks Pam Vernon. Perhaps the recipients should follow the lead of the Muslim Community and return these “gifts” rather than drinking from the poisoned chalice? MH May 23, 2019 Pam Vernon Envirowatch Rangitikei These were formerly termed bribes. Gifts sounds better though doesn’t it? Not so borderline […]
Some serious issues spring to mind: How about bonding and emotional development? It would play right into the NWO agenda of course, to have children born with no family bond and stunted emotions: Robots of The State. MH John VibesTruth TheorySat, 18 May 2019 00:00 UTC © The Matrix The […]