It’s no secret that Hillary Clinton is a panderer of epic proportions. And though she claims she won’t be running for President this year, the fact that she’s heading to southern States and flipping her normal accent to have a more Southern tone suggests she’s still thinking about, because if […]
We shouldn’t be at all surprised. The royal media darlings of the moment jumping on board the “gender fluid” bandwagon, as the Daily Mail Online elaborates: Erica Tempesta – Daily Mail Online March 1, 2019 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have yet to confirm the sex of their baby but […]
In 1932, Aldous Huxley foresaw a Scientific Dictatorship in his book, Brave New World. In 2019, Huxley’s dystopian future is appearing right before our eyes, but few recognize it. ⁃ TN Editor By Patrick Wood People who have a modern smartphone normally think of 5G as nothing more than a progression […]
Document received via Email today 28/2/19 (Unclassified): Today, Minister Faafoi announced details of the first spectrum allocation for 5G. The 3.5 GHz band will be the first 5G band in New Zealand, with national rights to spectrum expected to be auctioned early in 2020. National spectrum rights in the 3.5 […]
Remember that grim scene from The Matrix, where the “dead battery” humans are liquefied and fed back to the living? In certain US States the “liquid funeral” has been in place for a while, but now it is creeping in to locations around the world. And that includes here in […]
In this analysis, John Pilger looks back over the Chavez years in Venezuela, including his own travels with Hugo Chavez, and the current US and European campaign to overthrow Nicolas Maduro in a ‘coup by media’ and to return Latin America to the 19th and 20th centuries. John Pilgerjohnpilger.comThu, 21 […]
Mike Pompeo, the former boss of the world’s most prolific terror organization, the CIA, climbed up on his high State Department horse Saturday and lectured us on the crimes of the “sick tyrant” Nicolás Maduro. By Kurt Nimmo This little tweeted tirade was intended for the ignorant masses in America […]
Those poor kids, brainwashed by the UN Agenda 2030 and IPCC lies. Black Conservative Patriot Published on Feb 23, 2019 Subscribed 187K What are your thoughts? Share them below! #BCP#NEWS#BCPNEWS For More Content or to Support this channel: Subscribe to my back up channel:… Email: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot […]
Footage of a shirtless, drunk Bernie Sanders in the USSR on his ‘honeymoon’ singing with presumed Soviets in 1988 surfaced and was posted to Twitter in late January. Jim HoftGateway PunditFri, 22 Feb 2019 21:28 UTC As reported earlier by Cristina Laila… Footage of a shirtless, drunk Bernie Sanders in […]
Not often I feature mainstream news items these days, but this Newsweek article has some interesting geopolitical comment: Between America, Europe and Russia, Who Wins? China Ariel Cohen © STR/AFP/Getty Images Chinese soldiers carry the flags of (L to R) the Communist Party, the state, and the People’s Liberation Army […]