Thousands of mourners have marched through Barcelona chanting ‘I am not afraid’ following the terror attack that killed 14 people. A video showed the crowd shouting ‘No tinc por’ (I am not afraid) as they walked along Las Ramblas, where a driver had ran over victims yesterday. Three main […]

The horrific events in Barcelona and across Catalonia, Spain, which saw 13 killed in a van attack, and then five suspected terrorists shot dead in a second incident on the coast, appear to have begun the night before in a small town 200km south of Barcelona. Wednesday night, Alcanar An […]

In a truly bizarre bit of news, a minor political spat has erupted into claims of major political sabotage down-under! It all boils down to Blue Team Vs. Red Team: Firstly; Should the Aussie Government really be making these claims a few weeks out from a New Zealand election? […]

Long before the White Man came, it was a place associated with power. Here tribal chiefs met in council close to the river inlet, at the base of the Hill. It was in 1663 that a pioneer purchased a deed and survey for this land. He had a vision that […] Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says it would be “very difficult to build trust” with Labour if they form a government after September’s election. After speaking to an acquaintance in the Australian Labor Party (ALP), Chris Hipkins put two Parliamentary questions to Internal Affairs Minister Peter Dunne about the citizenship of […]
