Exploring the Shadows of America’s Security State Or How I Learned Not to Love Big Brother By Alfred W. McCoy [This piece has been adapted and expanded from the introduction to Alfred W. McCoy’s new book, In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S….] (Book […]
They also beat the Ancient Greeks to it, according to Australian academics SOME READERS MAY ALSO PICK UP ON THE NUMBER “322”, THE MYSTERIOUS NUMBER OF THE YALE SKULL AND BONES FRATERNITY. COINCIDENCE? Ian Johnston Science Correspondent @montaukian https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/babylonians-trigonometry-develop-more-advanced-modern-mathematics-3700-years-ago-ancient-a7910936.html The Ancient Babylonians knew about a form of trigonometry more […]
What We Learned From Charlottesville We learned, although we already knew it, that the US media has no integrity. We learned that the liberal/progressive/left holds fast to myths that justify hate. We learned that misrepresentation is the hallmark of American history. We learned that some websites that we thought […]
Here we go guys. Data harvesting taking place in every corner of the globe as the NWO/2030 Agenda marches forward. How does that song line go? “Total control over you…” New Zealand soldiers in Afghanistan took part in a controversial biometric data programme, The Valley has […]
Hilary Clinton has lost it even further. Her Secret Service Detail Logs have been appropriately disseminated. After all, she doesn’t know the difference between ‘confidential’ and ‘open source’. SS now want the ‘Hardship Bonus’, and limited two month rotation shifts, to work with her. Apart from the extraordinary fact that […]
The Alternative Hunters have just been exposed to another ‘Bombshell Exclusive’ by the ill informed, distorter, conspiracy theorist, and paid puppet, Alex Jones. It concerns National Security Advisor McMaster. His sources are what his troupe have previously read in the public domain (NYT, WP, and Bannon’s Breitbart), and Roger Stone. […]
What to make of this? From the Library Of Congress: Can it be some sort of elaborate hoax? Any enlightening info or opinions would be appreciated! Published on Aug 9, 2017 August 9, 2017: Books surface from over 124 years ago, entered at the Library of Congress with many […]
Social network giant lobbies to prevent state limits on facial recognition By Jared Bennett 5:00 am, July 31, 2017 Updated: 3:00 pm, August 1, 2017 Facebook is working on advanced facial recognition technology to identify users by creating digital faceprints. The company has begun lobbying state legislatures feverishly to protect its […]
With Thanks to Pam Vernon of envirowatchrangitikei: https://envirowatchrangitikei.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/12-days-before-08-crash-congress-was-secretly-told-to-sell-off-their-stocks/ From dailyalternative.co.uk Earlier this month, it was reported that less than two weeks before the economic collapse of 2008, several members of Congress took their money out of the stock market. Many high ranking government employees were given a heads-up about the […]
Airline Jet2 has asked French aviation officials to explain why one of its planes was shadowed by a French fighter jet. Passengers on board Friday’s flight LS1204 from Malaga to Birmingham say the aircraft was tracked by a military plane for up to 15 minutes. Sarah Hatfield, from Quarry Bank […]