May14 by Jon Rappoport The Comey affair; lies and reality pass like trains in the night by Jon Rappoport May 14, 2017 NEWSMAN #1: Trump fired Comey. NEWSMAN #2: Biggest thing since the great Chicago fire of 1871. NEWSMAN #1: Bigger. How do we play this? The Democrats wanted Comey’s […]
From Reuters News Agency: By Sinead Carew The S&P 500 and the Dow notched their biggest one-day fall since Sept. 9 as investor hopes for tax cuts and other pro-business policies faded after reports that U.S. President Donald Trump tried to interfere with a federal investigation set off alarm bells […]
Published on May 13, 2017 Global Chemtrail Summit: HIgh Technology now makes it possible to monitor all of us and change the weather, monitor space junk in orbit for launching satellites and undreamed of control of our environment. A multimedia presentation. The following quote is from the writeup on her […]
The Peanut Galleries refuse to learn that 10 minutes of nonsense waffled by The Institution of TV News, does not make them fully informed about anything. The absurdity is, they want to argue their inculcated ignorance as a valid perspective, in contradiction to reality. The Liberals and Progressives rely on […]
FOX News Lucas Tomlinson For the second time in a week, a Russian fighter jet flew up close to a U.S. Navy reconnaissance plane in the Black Sea, a U.S. official tells Fox News. This latest incident occurred about 30 miles from Russia in a northern portion of the Black […]
900 suspected paedophiles arrested as ‘darknet’ child porn kingpin jailed for 30yrs Published time: 6 May, 2017 03:28 Edited time: 6 May, 2017 11:33 Nearly 900 members of a global ‘dark web’ paedophile ring sprawling Europe and the Americas have been arrested following a two-year investigation, the FBI and Europol […]
Sent to myself (Martin H.) via Email from “Jack”: “The N.W.O. police state is accelerating at an enormous pace, coming down on us all like a freight train (instigated by the CIA and NSA, that as we know, as you explain in your book, are both now controlled from […]
Who Will Replace Comey: Here Are Seven Possible Names ZERO HEDGE Speculation has already begun over who will replace Comey as FBI Director… As Axios reports, here are a few possible replacements… RUDY GIULIANI The former New York mayor and U.S. attorney is reportedly on Trump’s shortlist to replace Comey. A source […]
The Courier Mail 1947 Race On To Tap Clouds in 3 Countries Weather Modification History Thanks to the ever-resourceful Rose Paige for the link!
Good to see Dershowitz is finally starting to get it. After Trumpism began, the emeritus one was making noises reminiscent of a little fairy at the bottom of the garden. Lost somewhere between Reversal of Fortune and Paper Chase. His espousings that SCOTUS would uphold the junk interpretations of Trump’s […]