US Lawmakers Move to Criminalize ‘Fake News, Propaganda’ on the Web Read more: The hunt for “fake news” and “Russian propaganda” has been kicked up a notch, after the House passed a bill quietly tucked inside the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, designed to crack down on […]

Shock announcement: New Zealand Prime Minister John Key resigns 12:50 PM Monday Dec 5, 2016 Email Isaac  Isaac Davison is a NZ Herald political reporter. 12:50 PM Monday Dec 5, 2016 John Key is resigning as Prime Minister of New Zealand. Key made the announcement at his weekly press conference […]

From Jeffrey ‘Goober’ Wefferson, via Rose at Here’s the audio from Jeff’s blog: The odds are a trillion to one that the recent…and on-going…Kaikoura quakes on New Zealand’s south island…were not natural, but the result of scientifically premeditated geo-physical warfare, the main-stay of the global war-machine (or should I […]

PIZZAGATE Will Be Used To Take Down The Alt Media…Unless We Are Vigilant The Millenium Report November 27, 2016 THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO ON THE INTERNET TODAY SOS: ALT MEDIA UNDER SERIOUS THREAT BY PIZZAGATE FALSE FLAG! The Millennium Report The Alternative Media right now faces the greatest existential threat since its […]

looks like our last issue’s cover is still relevant! “Will Hillary Steal the US Election?” Trump dismisses Wisconsin recount drive as ‘ A scam’   Image copyright AP Image caption Donald Trump: “The people have spoken and the election is over.” Trump elected The people around Donald Trump 23 November […]
