Easily the best presentation on the state of the world and its relevance to Orwell I have ever watched. Shocking, confronting, simply superb. This should be required viewing in every school. I can remember when we read 1984 and Animal Farm as warnings. Now trhey are a damned instruction manual. […]
Digital driver’s licenses should be fun for those of us without cellphones. And see how unbelievably ecstatic these politicians are about it! And when politicians do cartwheels over something it can’t be good…MH (And the Covid digital passes had nothing to do with prepping folk for this, nothing at all…) […]
While the MSM in New Zealand crows about Trump’s sexual abuse court case, it serves as a handy distraction from what really matters. MH Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday presented his vision for the country as he fielded questions from voters and a CNN moderator for a town hall […]
And what better place to present it than at an Uncensored news site! Brilliant video by the superb channel Academy of Ideas. The following is a transcript of this video. Central banks have spent decades flooding the global economy with newly created money. We are told this policy, or what […]
Is the US asleep at the nuclear wheel? As world war looms and America’s opponents build their arsenals it appears the US arsenal is ageing. Personally, I would gladly see every single nuclear device extant disarmed, but we are where we are, and the West is at the mercy of […]
War has never been closer. Well researched and intelligently presented. You may not agree with everything Moon says, but we think he’s in the ballpark. MH https://www.youtube.com/@Moon-Real Some of the footage in the presentation above may look familiar. Here’s Killing Joke with a prophetic punk anthem from 1981. “The food […]
“When honest people say what’s true … they become powerful…. That’s the iron-law of the universe, the truth prevails.” — Tucker Carlson From Global Research, Mike Whitney, 5/5/23 Can we stop pretending that Tucker Carlson was fired because of the Dominion lawsuit? That’s a bunch of baloney. Carlson was fired because he […]
The monarch of a nation has allegiance to the Globalist Agenda! The World Economic Forum and United Nations are so concerned that the goals of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development and the Great Reset (aka technocracy under a one-world beast system) are in jeopardy of not being fulfilled by the appointed […]
Segments of Jeffrey Epstein’s private calendar have shown several meetings with officials from the Obama administration, according to Sky News host Rita Panahi. CIA Director William Burns, Mr Obama’s White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler, and Professor Noam Chomsky are among the list of officials. “Fascinating stuff – why were these […]
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard rumors of a massive “disappearance” in China. Seems evidence is mounting. Has the depopulation agenda already begun on a massive scale by stealth? MH Reports of a mass die-off in China. By KMG via The Truthseeker Many with family and friends in China understand […]