Another essential read filled with solid information from a reputable source. The mandates have failed to stop COVID, but that isn’t the ultimate purpose… Due to the extensive length of this compilation we are posting as a stub and a link to full article. MH The great body of evidence […]
Uh Oh… Things aren’t looking good for Joe. (you wanna risk shaking hands with him after seeing this?) Support this channel: Like and subscribe! Memology 101452K subscribersJOIN SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ➡️YouTube Memberships: ➡️PayPal: ➡️Patreon:
Borne out of my frustration from not being heard, I published the following open letter to Jacinda Ardern on my Facebook page. Annabelle via the BFD Online and by email, I have asked MOH and Unite Against COVID 19 questions but have not received answers regarding reporting on deaths and […]
This level of protest is unheard of in New Zealand history. Our children’s children will learn about the Freedoms and Rights Marches of 2021-2022 and how thousands of citizens protested the unpopular mandates imposed by the Ardern-led Labour government, attempting to introduce a technocratic, separatist, New World Order under the […]
“Many decisionmakers assume that the vaccinated can be excluded as a source of transmission. It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.” The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing – […]
Watch carefully. Is this the future you want? New Zealand’s Vaccination Passport and contact tracing is the beginning of transition to this Social Credit based mass surveillance system. China is building a huge digital surveillance system. The state collects massive amounts of data from willing citizens: the benefits are practical, […]
The Christchurch event two weeks back was huge. Lets make this one bigger! Events at major centres around the country: Make your voice count! Note that the two events I have attended where both peaceful and family friendly, let’s do our utmost to keep it that way. Martin Coverage of […]
COVID-19: The restaurants refusing to take part in traffic light system and check vaccine certificates Some New Zealand businesses say they won’t be asking for customers to present COVID-19 vaccine certificates when the traffic light system comes into effect. On Friday, New Zealand will move to a new system of […]
It’s never been about public health, it’s always been about public control. The Beast is coming.Banned video released via Bitchute. NIGHTBREED NIGHTBREED
Enter Omicron. No, that’s not the new head of the Decepticons. It’s the new strain of Covid out of South Africa that is causing a hullabaloo. By Daisy Luther All around the world, people are getting fed up with draconian measures undertaken in the name of public safety. Although we’re not […]