A newly seated government stalling on election promises? Hardly news really, is it? The butt of political jokes for decades. But it’s not so funny when lost lives and family closure and justice are involved, as is the case with the Pike River tragedy. A promise of re-entry to the […]
Hot on the heels of Facebook’s Sean Parker’s concerns about his creation, now the man who came up with the concept of the Web Browser expresses his own concerns about the intrusiveness of emerging Internet technologies (what I refer to as “Data Storage and Patterning” technology): The web is […]
I watched with horror on the TV news the other night as Police officers in Providence pursued a white pickup truck, based on information that an escaped felon had abandoned a stolen Police car in favour of a “a white pickup”. Now, I don’t know how many “white pickups” are […]
SUPER HUMANS could exist in just 15 years thanks to a computer chip inserted into the brain to unlock the mankind’s full potential. By SEAN MARTIN PUBLISHED: 12:19, Thu, Nov 9, 2017 | UPDATED: 11:24, Fri, Nov 10, 2017 Bryan Johnson outlines plan to put a CHIP in your brain People will be able […]
From Superpower to Incompetence Paul Craig Roberts Having grown up during the second half of the 20th century, I don’t recognize my country today. I experienced life in a competent country, and now I experience life in an incompetent country. Everything is incompetent. The police are incompetent. They shoot children, […]
This has always been something that angers me, so it’s about time the MSM turned their spotlight on the subject. Elite tax havens: Trillions of dollars of “dead” money sitting rotting in tax havens while millions struggle to survive. This is what’s wrong (among other things) with the United nations […]
You’ve heard all about it in the MSM no doubt. Here’s the file in PDF: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/HITLER%2C%20ADOLF_0003.pdf And here’s the MSM buzz for those that want it: “The CIA was told about a man claiming to be Adolf Hitler who lived in Colombia among a community of ex-Nazis during […]
How Public Ownership Could Revive Community Banks Crushing regulations are driving small banks to sell out to the megabanks, a consolidation process that appears to be intentional. Publicly owned banks can help avoid that trend and keep credit flowing in local economies. At his confirmation hearing in January 2017, Treasury […]
Yes, As all kiwis will now well and truly know, NZ First leader Winston ” Kingmaker ” Peters, after employing his well practised flair for showmanship by keeping the media in suspense for days while has a nice little chat and a cuppa with Bill English (National/Democratic Independent Union) and […]
“Suffer little children”, says Jesus. And while that is certainly not what he intended (and I’ve lost count of the number of times the words have been quoted out of context), countless children have indeed suffered as a result of the Catholic Church’s ridiculous rule of priestly celibacy. We all […]