ESG seems noble enough on the surface, but as UK banking customers are discovering, it is a trojan horse for political control. The high-profile case of Right-Wing Brexit guru Nigel Farage has now dragged the issue into the headlines. Martin Harris 20/7/23 So what is ESG? Chances are that if […]
We all know politicians lie. We all also know how we KNOW when they’re lying: Their lips are moving. But this video really takes the cake: Former United States (Democrat) Senator, former Secretary of State, and now Climate Czar John Kerry appears to lie under oath – and gets caught: […]
Like academia, Hollywood has transformed from a venue for creative freedom to a dreary instrument of Communist indoctrination and social engineering. So don’t expect any sympathy for strikers or producers. We’re happy to see Hollywood self-immolate and dance around the pyre. by Mike Stone – ( “Hello, kind sir. Could you please spare $100 for the […]
Bloomberg is just out with a devastating behind-the-scenes account of a hot-headed Zelensky at the NATO summit in Vilnius, and the growing Western backlash in the face of his obvious frustration and what’s being seen as ingratitude for the steady flow of billions of dollars in arms to Kiev. BY TYLER DURDEN THURSDAY, JUL 13, 2023 […]
The United States made their Declaration of Independence in 1776, and South Africa established their ‘Reconciliation’ in 1995. Those were historic, nation defining events that were needed to move those countries forward. New Zealand may now require their own version of a nation defining agreement. By Kiwi4Justice There are large […]
“If cocaine is so prevalent in the West Wing that there is somehow ‘extra’ cocaine just laying around, when is the White House going to start drug testing its employees?” — Margot Cleveland Opinion by Jim Kunstler Consider for a moment, and be grateful for, how perfect “Joe […]
British bank NatWest has the ultimate solution to non-binary insanity: Double sided identity badges. Change your gender identity as the mood suits you. YOUR banking money is funding this cuckoo-land madness, NatWest customers! Other banks are following similar “LGBTQ+ friendly” initiatives as the Daily Mail article outlines. Personally I can […]
Hipkins is such a wet blanket. I reckon Xi would have poked a wooden pole up his ass and mopped the floor with him. But you know what’s really scary? Both of Hipkins political opponents (David Seymour and Chris Luxon) heaped praise on Hipkins’s handling of his visit, and that’s […]
After this weekend’s whirlwind events in Russia we’re left with a lot more questions than answers about what happened with Wagner Group’s Yevgeny Prigozhin’s abortive rebellion against Moscow. I’m not here to answer any of those questions definitively because we’ll never really know. Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n […]
“I actually do not contest their decision because it reinforces my opinion that Pride is NOT for kids.” Blaire White, YouTuber Author: Sara HigdonThe Post MillenialThu, 15 Jun 2023 On Wednesday, YouTube added an age restriction to a video from transexual YouTuber Blaire White who shared a video of a Pride parade where children […]