Images of malnourished children on Campbell Live .. the memories flooded back of malnourished British children in wartime Britain .. in those days such afflictions were painted in Gentain Blue so that one was shunned by classmates and kept at a distance (usually a canes length) by teaching staff who […]
I wonder where the Met learnt this one .. it looks like everyone is doing it now. These undercover cops excuse what they have done by saying “It was for the greater good” .. now where have I heard that one before ? The greater good ? what should concern […]
WE WAS BRUNG UP PROPER !! “And we never had a whole Mars bar until 1993”!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1930’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank Sherry while they carried us and lived in […]
British journalist with The TRUTH AGENDA, Andy Thomas, comments perceptively on politics and public apathy. . “By having become so disconnected with what goes on around us in our names, we have not stood up in our collective power – and are therefore as responsible as any global elite for […]
Lectures 1 of 4 [youtube]MRZ6RrcEuyE[/youtube]
Freedom As The State Mind Where do you want the needle, left buttock or right buttock, or dead centre ? Or for that matter what channel on the TV ? If its TV be sure to take your medication .. we will know if you have not taken it […]
Another 9/11 anniversary is upon us. When one stands back in conscious awareness of the stark Truth of that day and the altered world we’re now observing, it becomes more and more surreal. That this charade can continue to be so effectively covered up and utilized for this current campaign […] I retreat in the summer to the mountains and coasts of Maine and New Hampshire to sever myself from the intrusion of the industrial world. It is in the woods and along the rugged Atlantic coastline, the surf thundering into the jagged rocks, that I am reminded of our […]