The folks at The World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab, never tire of “reimagining” everything. From food chains, digital identity, healthcare, even reimagining capitalism itself, everything seems to be on the table. Our betters at Davos have taken it upon themselves to make every aspect of our lives fair game for being reimagined, reconstituted, recalibrated, […]

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), has announced the WHO was officially changing the name of the monkeypox virus. Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian June 16, 2022 This decision was allegedly taken due to “stigmatization” and “discrimination” of the current “inaccurate” name. I’m not sure how […]

Two of NZ’s best: Sean Plunket interviews Peter Williams on The Platform. The Platform NZ via Pam Vernon, EWR Peter was on Radio himself (FYI non-Kiwis) … he was very outspoken & asking questions about current NZ goings on … that will never last too long in Godzone with only […]
