Where did the Nine Million Dollars come from Joe? And watch for bombshell revelation at 23:40 ! …We can’t “fix” Trump… The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters 94.7K subscribers Subscribe to our other channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnw5… Follow us: Parler – https://parler.com/profile/lotuseater… Twitter – https://twitter.com/lotuseaters_com Gab […]

By this time it would appear that a Biden-Harris presidency is a foregone conclusion. By Robert BridgeSource: Strategic Culture  December 22, 2020 Despite multiple allegations of election fraud put forward by Trump’s legal team, the Democrat Joe Biden has been officially recognized by the Electoral College as the President-elect. Nevertheless, the […]

The global elites at the United Nations and the World Economic Forum are very upset that you might accidentally stumble across the truth about the Messenger 33 coronavirus vaccine, the mind-numbing side effects and the coming digital identification, so they have launched a site called ‘Verified’ to tell you what your opinion is. by Pam Vernon at EWR […]
