Treason is a strong word. Is it justified regarding the COVID 19 agenda? Kiwi4Justice examines the case. MH By Kiwi4Justice via EWRThese are unprecedented times in history around the world and in New Zealand right now. Deeply troubling things occurring that just make no rational sense. Is there something else […]
The election of 3/11/2020, must deliver The Executive and both Houses to The Conservatives. The Gubernatorials are another issue again. by G Squared Failing a clear election outcome for Trump, due to the planned mass electoral frauds, expect a civil war. Which I have already indicated. Expect martial law and […]
Have you got questions about this so-called pandemic? One of our early questions was “how is a pandemic defined?” We went to the WHO website expecting to find it and couldn’t find a definition! by Jo Blogs Red Sky In The Morning Why wasn’t there a definition? Without guidelines, isn’t it […]
“Twas Covid, sheeple CNN’d, did quake and tremble in the fright; Sir Veillance o’er all Wuhan ruled with 5G satellite. Demics from the lairs of Pan, a global virus mean!How do I know? Bill Gates said so, he’s got a fine vaccine! ‘If you feel unwell’, he said, ‘trust me, I’m not insane…We’ve […]
Icke has the antidote to the contactless, mask-wearing future that is being foisted upon us. Icke sounding distinctly Greg Braden-ish in this presentation, but that’s no bad thing! MH “Its Coming! Are You Prepared For This?” David Icke 🛎️ For more inspiring and motivation videos please subscribe to our channel: […]
Will she survive long enough to tell? Or is this disinformation? Something tells me this is one of those “too good to be true” stories, but I guess we’ll soon find out! MH Source: Joe Martino IN BRIEF The Facts: Chinese virologist Dr. Li Meng Yan, who recently fled China, claims […]
I’ve gone on for a long time about fear making humans stupid, and even about it being a weapon and a brain poison. But I’ve also wondered at times whether people would hit fear-fatigue… that point where people have simply had enough fear and walk out from under it. Paul […]
9/11, as we were told repeatedly in the days, weeks, and months after the attack, was the day that changed everything. And now a new event has come along to once again throw the world into chaos. By The Corbett Report But whereas the post-9/11 era introduced America to the concept […]
That’s Right, Please Leave Your White Privilege at the Door and Watch Yourself on the Way Out If you as a white person do not consider yourself racist then you are out of step with the warped post-modernism view of the world and desperately in need of redemption by application […]
Following criticism of a story in which anonymous sources claimed Donald Trump called dead soldiers “losers,” one reporter pushed back, claiming journalists “don’t make stuff up” – which prompted a quick education lesson for her. RTSun, 06 Sep 2020 © REUTERS/Leah Millis “Contrary to popular belief, journalists don’t just make […]