Satanists have programmed our minds to shut down at the mention of “God,” our loving Creator, and benefactor. For Satanists, God is the competition. Aug 27, 2020 So they created this ridiculous straw man image of an omnipotent God and held Him responsible for all that goes wrong, when in fact, God depends on us to […]
“Why is a government agency fronting a funding drive for Westpac Helicopter? Is this agency acting as a Trojan horse, to gather detailed food crop information, not just about stock but all food available on farms?” By Hilary Butler I have some SERIOUS questions, about the motives of the NZ […]
This week has marked the first time in months that something other than COVID has dominated the news headlines on NZ television. But there are not-so-obvious connections to the agenda. by Martin Harris 27/8/20 The leading topic is of course the trial of Brenton Tarrant, the mosque shooter whose deeds, […]
These young SJWs never saw Star Trek. Captain Kirk never backs out of a fight! MH RTSun, 23 Aug 2020 After setting off his woke critics with a tweet deemed ‘transphobic,’ ‘Star Trek’ actor William Shatner turned the tables and accused the Twitter activists of using the term “cis white […]
Mayhem in Melbourne On August 2, lockdown measures were implemented in Melbourne, Australia, that were so draconian that Australian news commentator Alan Jones said on Sky News: “People are entitled to think there is an ‘agenda to destroy western society.’” Ellen BrownWeb of DebtSat, 22 Aug 2020 The gist of an […]
As far back as 2015 the NZDF has run exercises based on quelling ‘civil unrest’. They practiced with troops from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, the Pacific and elsewhere. Bit familiar isn’t it? From Pam Vernon EWR The practice runs, like Event 201. The appearance of the military in the streets […]
Not only is Biden unacceptable as Dem frontman, but his choice of VP based purely on genitalia and melanin is a total failure. by G Squared 24/8/20 —————————————————————– A short clip that helps the understanding of the true filth that is CamelA Harris. And the files are full of it. […]
Listen to this lady: She speaks truth and with wisdom and discernment! PragerU Black Lives Matter is run by Marxist organizers. They have not been silent about their agenda to dismantle the nuclear family, transform gender/sexual identity, and force radical change. So why are so many eagerly following along? Professor […]
Belarusians have taken to the streets to protest what many claim was a rigged election. Yet the US election – with its hyper-partisan media, nonsense polls, and both parties determined to contest a loss – makes Minsk’s look legit. Helen BuyniskiRTWed, 19 Aug 2020 The US is one of many countries […]
“Hitler appeared on the cover of TIME on multiple occasions — most famously perhaps on Jan. 2, 1939, when he was named Man of the Year. by Ben Vidgen, Ben Vidgen Investigates That choice abided by the dictum of TIME founder Henry Luce, who decreed that the Man of the […]