Impeachment has been a complete joke from the beginning… The Daily Wire Martin comments: Watching from the outside here in little old New Zealand, I wish these morons could see how pathetic they look with their little mutual-masturbation show. Totally pathetic. Sack the whole Dem party and bring in a […]
Trilateralist Carter’s Camp David Accords of 17/9/1978 eventually saw The Sinai returned by Israel. A whale that could not be swallowed. No matter how ravenous the postured appetite. by G Squared Sadat was murdered on 6/10/1981. All four assassins as well as The 1993 WTC linked Abdul-Rahman were sent to […]
When he sought the presidency, we were warned he’d lead us all into nuclear annihilation. Now he’s being hammered for being a peacemaker. Apparently restraint and peace is “un-American”. Opinion by Martin Harris Even as our Left-Wing mainstream media here in New Zealand try to put a negative spin on […]
Superb blog! My respect to author Paul Dunbar for this outstanding piece: Written by Paul Dunbar December 21, 2019 Whirl up, sea — whirl your pointed pines, splash your great pines on our rocks, hurl your green over us, cover us with your pools of fir. (Oread, by H. D.) Carbon […]
The Rosario Case would be one of some 25% of ‘Convictions’ in the history of a system that has deep and entrenched flaws. Where innocence has no values to the players, apart from the victims of the system. by G Squared It historically and culturally objects to correction. The philosophy being […]
As far away as here in Christchurch on this New Year’s day 2020, the sky is murky, the sun is a dull red blob, and there is the stench of woodsmoke in the air as Australia has yet another day of mega bush fires. MH Here’s Max Igan (always a […]
Is it or is it not? Judge for yourself! Renegade Tribune – Dec 27, 2019 Dershowitz BBC interview. Note the figure in the shadows, left of centre Epstein’s jewish lawyer has so much “chutzpah” that he conducted an interview with the BBC about the allegations against him while his sex […]
This sounds suspiciously like ionospheric heating at work! Both Russia and China were recently bragging about constructing apparatus to steal the title from Alaska’s HAARP : Could this “new type of aurora” be the first tests? MH Unique interaction in Earth’s magnetosphere causes new type of auroras Sputnik NewsThu, 26 […]
The Democrats have now revealed the hand they’re going to play for impeachment. I [JK] have been vehementlyarguing against playing this game and pointing out how futile it is, but, seeing the two cards actually laid out on the table, even I am gobsmacked at what a loser of a […]
From coast to coast, the Resistance is cheering the impeachment of President Donald Trump in the House. They shouldn’t be. For in seeking to destroy him, they have only made him more powerful, and undercut themselves. Nebojsa MalicRTThu, 19 Dec 2019 11:08 UTC Let’s not mince words: Wednesday’s vote was […]