This is the first of a two-part series on a massive scandal that has gone largely unreported, based on an interview on Liberty Nation Radio with Luke Rosiak, author of Obstruction of Justice: How the Deep State Risked National Security to Protect the Democrats. by Tyler Durden Fri, 02/15/2019 Authored by Tim Donner via Liberty […]
This is major stuff. I’m hearing China and UN agendas all over this emergency declaration! For the moment I’m putting up the address itself via YT, and in due course we’ll follow up with more material and some thoughts and comments. Martin Golden State Times Published on Feb 15, 2019 […]
Yes, when even Greenpeace thinks your “Green” plan is loopy, you’re on to a loser! Read On: Alex Newman – The New American Feb 11, 2019 The “Green New Deal” proposed by congressional Democrats is a “recipe for mass suicide” and the “most ridiculous scenario I ever heard,” Greenpeace Co-Founder […]
To much of the world outside the USA, the “Green New Deal” sounds awfully familiar, from mention of the UN’s favourite buzzword “Resiliency”, to utopian images of endless employment, zero pollution and an obsession with railway transportation. It is also rather broad and ill defined. By Martin Harris Those familiar […]
A study claims that up to a quarter of the French population not only believe in a conspiracy of “elites” but also think those same elites are using mass migration to replace European populations. Chris Tomlinson – Feb 7, 2019 The study, released by Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Conspiracy Watch, is […]
The US was in breach of the INF treaty for years, the Russia’s defense ministry told the summoned US diplomat, calling on the US to destroy cruise missile launchpads, target-missiles and attack drones to return to INF compliance. RTThu, 07 Feb 2019 17:07 UTC The Russian side suggested that the […]
Once upon a time, leading Democrats, such as Bill Clinton, wanted abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare.” Given the reality of Roe v. Wade and the unlikely prospect of it ever being repealed, this stance on abortion had been the status quo in America for decades. Brian Joondeph – American […]
When the solution is worse than the problem by Jon Rappoport January 28, 2019 (To join our email list, click here.) Are there any States in the Union that allow public schools to opt out of providing sex education to children? Of course, a counter-argument would be made that, although […]
Trump postponing SOTU was not recommended. The upstart now believing she won a power play gambit, will become even more insufferable. The loons are not playing with a full deck. For a generation of concerted effort, after manipulation into feminese psychology and the liberal arts of stupidity, emerged by weaponizing […]
Welcome to the madhouse California: Political correctness is out of control! Nick Givas – The Daily Signal Jan 23, 2019 “We are using the phrase ‘they’ and replacing other designations so that it’s a gender-neutral designation of ‘they,’” says state Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson, D-Calif. Pictured: Jackson speaks on equal pay […]