Newshub staff – Newshub – Saturday, 9 September 2017 Former Prime Minister John Key has reportedly sold most of his sprawling Parnell property to a buyer in China. NZME reports Mr Key and wife Bronagh pocketed around $20 million, keeping only around 650 square metres of the original 2340 […]
Politics SEE ALSO: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would allow his people to “eat grass” before he ever gives up his nuclear and missile defense programs, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday at a news conference in China. Kim and his military claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb Sunday, the […] Hillary Clinton has drawn criticism for promoting a new political media platform that is being labelled confusing. The former First Lady, who has maintained a low profile since she lost the US presidential election to Donald Trump in November 2016, today tweeted her support for a website called Verrit. […]
Socialism: opiate of the masses by Jon Rappoport September 1, 2017 Let’s get something straight. There is no pure form of socialism, where “the government owns the means of production.” The means of production own the government, and vice versa. It’s always collusion. Elite power players stitch themselves together like […]
Not so long ago in a galaxy not very far away…. A planet divided: Two factions battle for control: The Republic Alliance and the Democratic Independant Union. But behind the scenes, a dark power is manipulating both sides to instigate an all-powerful New World Order…. Readers familiar with my blogs […]
PRESIDENT Donald Trump and Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe have agreed time for dialogue with North Korea is now over following Pyongyang’s latest missile launch on Tuesday morning. By Will Kirby PUBLISHED: 07:27, Tue, Aug 29, 2017 | UPDATED: 08:05, Tue, Aug 29, 2017 Mr Abe denounced the launch as […]
Exploring the Shadows of America’s Security State Or How I Learned Not to Love Big Brother By Alfred W. McCoy [This piece has been adapted and expanded from the introduction to Alfred W. McCoy’s new book, In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S….] (Book […]
What We Learned From Charlottesville We learned, although we already knew it, that the US media has no integrity. We learned that the liberal/progressive/left holds fast to myths that justify hate. We learned that misrepresentation is the hallmark of American history. We learned that some websites that we thought […]
Hilary Clinton has lost it even further. Her Secret Service Detail Logs have been appropriately disseminated. After all, she doesn’t know the difference between ‘confidential’ and ‘open source’. SS now want the ‘Hardship Bonus’, and limited two month rotation shifts, to work with her. Apart from the extraordinary fact that […]