What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open Apr26 by Jon Rappoport What Chuck Schumer is revealing out in the open by Jon Rappoport April 26, 2017 Senator Chuck Schumer on MSNBC (via ZeroHedge): “We’re no longer fact-based. The founding fathers created a country based on fact. We don’t have […]
Open Source Intelligence vs. Spying Intel A great platform for providing unfiltered, unbiased information throughout society in an effort to return the power back to the people! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i79VocEpavA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i79VocEpavA Synopsis: In order to get the word out to a greater audience, Mr Steele has again invited everyone to […]
The Guardian David Smith in Washington The arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is now a “priority” for the US, attorney general Jeff Sessions has said. Hours later it was reported by CNN that authorities have prepared charges against Assange, who is currently holed up at the Ecuadorian embassy in […]
by IWB · April 8, 2017 Hillary Clinton has promised she will never, ever run for elected office again, sparking wild celebrations across the country as Americans embrace the reality of a post-Clinton future. In her first post-election interview on Thursday, Clinton alluded to the pain of her loss of the […]
More Fake News From Washington April 8, 2017 | More Fake News From Washington this time it is about employment Paul Craig Roberts The US government continues to lie about everything, not just Russia, Syria, Iran, and China. The US government is incapable of telling the truth about something as […]
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump declared Wednesday the deadly chemical attack in Syria crossed “many, many lines” and abruptly transformed his thinking about Syrian President Bashar Assad. Still, he pointedly refused to say what action the U.S. might take in response. Facing one of his first global crises, Trump blamed […]
This is a Classic! Funniest part is that AP had to check if it was a joke or not!: Russia is known for many things—communism, vodka and bizarre dancing, for starters—but one thing Russia is not well-known for is its sense of humor. Perhaps that’s about to change. In […]
America will be correctly presenting itself in the upcoming Helsinki Conference with Russia. Russia is currently America’s greatest ally and partner. Many hidden events took place during the insane Clinton-Obama era. Apart from the US Military, particularly The USN, deciding to run its own race. It was a worse scenario […]