Top 11 “Russian-hack” questions the “rogue-Electors” should ask the CIA Assuming these “rogue-Electors” from the Electoral College get a briefing on the “Russian election-hack” from the CIA, and assuming the Electors have a few working brain cells, and assuming they care, here are the top 11 questions they should […]

  I’ve had feedback on the images in this scenario that something isn’t right with the picture. too  posed, too cleanout, like a movie scene. A pistol like that, wouldn’t it more of a mess at close range? Any opinions on this? © REUTERS/Umit Bektas Turkish police secure the area near […] Putin Lashes Out At Obama: “Show Some Proof Or Shut Up” by Tyler Durden Dec 16, 2016 6:37 PM 17.8K SHARES Twitter Facebook Reddit Putin has had enough of the relentless barrage of US accusations that he, personally, “hacked the US presidential election.” The Russian president’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, […]

Shock announcement: New Zealand Prime Minister John Key resigns 12:50 PM Monday Dec 5, 2016 Email Isaac  Isaac Davison is a NZ Herald political reporter. 12:50 PM Monday Dec 5, 2016 John Key is resigning as Prime Minister of New Zealand. Key made the announcement at his weekly press conference […]
