England’s Chief Medical Officer drops some truth-bombs about ministerial intervention in the role of the Covid lockdown. Of course, here in New Zealand, PM Jacinda Ardern’s iron boot was evident right from Day One, and in fact she openly took delight in her totalitarian role, while our Director General of […]

In the midst of a brutal conflict in Ukraine, two of the world’s financial titans, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase, are seemingly leading the charge in an ostensible humanitarian effort. Matt Agorist – Activist Post June 30, 2023 They are helping to establish the Ukraine Development Fund, a reconstruction bank designed […]


Liz Gunn shares a crucial message with all voters who care about the future of New Zealand in this upcoming 2023 election https://nzloyal.org.nz Liz Gunn – NZL 28/06/2023 New Zealand Loyal – The FreeNZ Editorial (substack.com) Casey Hodgkinson Interview – https://youtu.be/UB_5pL74EoA Dr Bruce Dooley – Federation Of State Medical Boards – https://rumble.com/v1lbjvd-the-dark-truth-of-americas-federation-of-state-medical-boards.html […]

After this weekend’s whirlwind events in Russia we’re left with a lot more questions than answers about what happened with Wagner Group’s Yevgeny Prigozhin’s abortive rebellion against Moscow. I’m not here to answer any of those questions definitively because we’ll never really know. Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n […]

Yesterday it started with “unidentified” tanks and armed forces entering Rostock apparently unchallenged and the world watched as mutterings of impending civil war spread around the media channels. Today it appears to be over as Putin retains both power and support in Russia. here’s how it unfolded: 24/6/23 “Unidentified military […]
