France in chaos. A nation without a head. Macron’s panic over a potential right-wing takeover appears to have backfired terribly. Or perhaps it was planned that way. Perhaps Macron’s head is screwed on after all? Opinion by Martin Harris 9/7/24 Only a couple of weeks ago, the editorial team at […]

Keir Starmer’s wife Victoria is Jewish, and the Prime Minister has said he holds Shabbat dinners every week. Hannah GillottThe Jewish ChronicleFri, 05 Jul 2024 Victorious: Labour leader Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria Starmer When Keir Starmer makes the move to Number 10 following his landslide victory, the Prime Minister’s […]

America is upside down. What just happened is unthinkable and mind-boggling. This represents a radical 180-degree turnaround. What is it? The ever-lying, completely corrupt news media stood up – to everyone’s amazement – against Deep State puppet and ultimate traitor Joe Biden, and unanimously promoted their worst enemy, Donald Trump, as the best candidate […]

Tucker Carlson absolutely dismantled an Australian journalist while taking questions at the sold-out Australian Freedom Conference in Canberra, as part of his Australian tour. by Tyler Durden This is just embarrassing… After discussing a wide range of topics – including the release of Julian Assange, woke corporations, and corrupt pharmaceutical companies (watch here), […]

Update(2124ET): WikiLeaks has released its first footage showing Julian Assange as a free man, emerging from Belmarsh prison looking triumphant and joyous, and soon after boarding a plane to his native Australia… BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, JUN 25, 2024 Below is the official statement from WikiLeaks: JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE […]
