Nuclear annihilation is a step closer, but what about global warming? Woke morons panic over a hiccup in the narrative. ‘Global warming religion’ is going ‘out the window’ Sky News Australia2.24M subscribers Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused the “global warming religion” to go “out […]

First march since the Wellington debacle, and Christchurch Freedom Camp remains strong! Having arrived pretty early, the author thought he’d spend some time at the publicly owned and funded Canterbury Museum just down the road from the camp. Wrong! Now why the fark should one require a Vaccine Pass to […]

The Great Reset is well underway. First Covid and now the Ukraine “War Narrative”. Equal Poverty For All Cometh. MH Adapt 2030Thu, 03 Mar 2022 Globalization works in financial markets as well as manufacturing. A look at how all of our lives will be affected with sanctions against Russia. Grains, […]

Glenn Beck asks some excellent questions here. This isn’t just your usual “Iraq invading Kuwait” style invasion scenario. There is something big brewing, something hidden behind all this. MH BlazeTV1.54M subscribers There are a few things that really don’t make any sense about the war in Ukraine. While Russia is […]

So much for MAGA as the US, far too reliant on foreign import, feels the pinch! Opinion from G Squared: Either delivery blocked or ordered pulled from shelves; the effect is the same. And magical China is not able or willing to replace all at whim. America having been very […]

This article was written more than 6 years ago, documenting the existence of a Neo-Nazi agenda in Ukraine which both our governments and the media categorically deny. Prof Michel ChossudovskyGlobal ResearchSun, 09 Aug 2015 via First published by Global Research in August 2015 Ironically, Ukraine’s MSM, namely the Kiev Post has […]

I thought I was reading The Babylon Bee. Can the co-leader of the Green Party be sure utterly ignorant of geopolitics? The essence of Marama Davidson’s delusional belief is summed up in this excerpt from the aforementioned Newshub article: New Zealand was the first Western nation to land a free […]

A sensible idea: Therefore I don’t fancy the chances…Wasn’t one of Biden’s first actions as POTUS to put a halt to Keystone XL? One suspects a plot. Or perhaps just the actions of a Useful Idiot? MH (I won’t discourage you from signing the petition though) Rebel News  42048 subscribers SIGN […]

Holy Smokes! Russia has taken out Ukraine air defenses and airforce with a series of precision attacks, the country’s Defense Ministry has said in a statement, after airports and runways across the country were rocked by explosions. The basic facts as best we can establish (added by MH not part of […]
