Like a scene from a dystopian movie, Biden appears at the podium, fists raised, yelling and ranting. Behind him the facade is under-lit in ominous deep red tones. Silhouetted Marines stand guard like stormtroopers. What in God’s name were the event co-ordinators thinking with the setting of Biden’s speech on […]
For some reason Ann Heche and all this is looming hugely on my radar. The more I learn the more bizarre and scary it is… From Jeff Wefferson: 3 days before Heche’s incident a U.S. senator from Indiana, Jackie Walorskie, died in a head on collision where an on-coming vehicle […]
(Natural News) Once again, the independent media called this out well in advance, warning that President Trump was walking right into a trap by promoting Covid vaccines and taking credit for rolling them out so quickly via Operation Warp Speed. Thursday, August 25, 2022 by: Mike AdamsThis article may contain statements that […]
A top Ukrainian security official has said that Kiev had been gearing up for hostilities with Russia since as early as December 2019. The Russian military had earlier reported uncovering classified Ukrainian documents indicating a planned offensive against Donbass rebels. RTThu, 25 Aug 2022 The revelation about Kiev’s military preparation […]
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky posted a picture of a soldier wearing the insignia of a notorious Nazi SS division to his official Instagram account on Wednesday. The post, part of a series celebrating Ukraine’s Independence Day, was not the first piece of Nazi iconography shared by Zelensky. RTWed, 24 Aug […]
A plethora of related topics as communicated by our enigmatic correspondent G Squared. LIBERAL LUNACY The political divide in the now failed US is as Dem wide as their days of fighting to preserve slavery. The smoke and mirrors delusion. A stark divide of the malevolent, vengeful, corrupt and deranged, […]
As The Freedoms And Rights Coalition heads to Wellington, a counter-protest is planning to meet them. But who or what are the counter-protestors countering? According to Newshub: “The counter-protest, titled ‘Love Community: Hate Fascism’, will be led by the Pōneke Anti-Fascist Coalition. It has more than 600 people interested and […]
From YT Shorts, Alex Jones has the perfect response at the perfect time: Like someone once told me, always tell the truth, there’s less to remember! Martin Oh yeah, I felt their pain from that blow. A special moment to be savored with a long cold drink and a replay […]
Ordinary people in the West reading and listening to the mainstream media have been presented with a series of narratives regarding the war in Ukraine. Apparently, Russia has been losing its war in Ukraine since the first days of the conflict. By Dr. Leon Tressell – South Front Aug 11, 2022 […]
He outed Ardern as a bully and a liar and now the attack is on from the Labour. The MSM are turning on their “mistress” and Dr. Guarav Sharma is in the spotlight. The tide is turning. After an explosive interview with Mike Hosking this morning I had to hunt […]