This is part of a long story concerning a number of states bordering Russia, about which I have previously written at length. by G Squared When America fixates on some project; no matter how ill thought and disengaged; its dysfunctional belief in its exceptionalism, forces it to prosecute the lunacy, […]
CONTENT ADVISORY: This article isn’t for the kids or the prudish. Don’t say you weren’t warned. Martin. Andrew Stiles – Washington Free Beacon Jan 25, 2022 Hunter Biden’s favorite Washington, D.C., strip club received a verbal warning last week for failing to enforce the city’s strict indoor mask mandate. According […]
Yesterday I stood with friends and colleagues at one of the many highway overpasses in Toronto as we watched a truly historic moment unfold before our tear-filled eyes. Thousands of liberty-loving Canadians from all walks of life were gathered there—as they were throughout the country—in the freezing cold, holding aloft […]
A bit of humour via some RT footage and some classic BeeGees. Thanks Brian J for the link. Putin’s clearly enjoying saber-rattling at the Ukrainian border! langsense31.2K subscribers Putin walking through the Kremlin to his inauguration. A friend on twitter suggested it would be excellent if Stayin’ Alive was playing […]
The Narrative continues to crumble as the Biden-China connections come back under scrutiny! Emma-Jo Morris, Matthew BoyleBreitbartSun, 30 Jan 2022 A criminal IRS investigation into Hunter Biden — President Biden’s son — appears to have convened a grand jury as far back as May 2019, a confidential subpoena served to JPMorgan Chase bank […]
NZ readers should be familiar with the old Tui Breweries “Yeah Right” billboard advertisements. Here’s one that should go viral. Better share it and help it achieve viralhood 🙂
As Ardern becomes a “close contact” and goes into hiding, we get this joyous and wonderful piece of information; A new political poll shows Jacinda Ardern’s approval ratings have dropped again, her lowest result since the ratings were first measured in October 2019. A pool of eligible voters were asked […]
“There arrives a moment of truth when the West either accepts our proposals or other ways will be found to safeguard Russia’s security.” Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation at the Vienna negotiations By Mike Whitney Here’s a simple way to test your understanding of the current US-Russia standoff. All […]
As the Western Military-Industrial complex rubs it’s hands with glee, and Russia provokes them with equal glee, here’s what the Ukrainian Defense minister says.. TassMon, 24 Jan 2022 Alexey Reznikov said that a scenario of a Russian attack in the near future was also unlikely Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov […]
The war drums beat louder. You can almost hear the cash registers ringing in high places. Perhaps this ties in with the UK dropping all mandates: Preparing for war with Russia? From The Western Journal: The Russian military will strut its stuff off the Irish coast next month in a […]