While President Joe Biden is using a legally questionable statute to enforce what is essentially a vaccine mandate on the American workforce, members of Congress, their staffs, and anyone who works in Congress will reportedly be exempt from the mandate. Chris EnloeThe BlazeSat, 11 Sep 2021 What is the background? […]
Zemari Ahmadi, a longtime worker for a U.S. aid group in Afghanistan , along with nine others, seven of them children, were slaughtered in a drone attack; the last missile fired by US forces before their withdrawal. THEY CALLED IT “A RIGHTEOUS STRIKE”. I call it an act of pure evil. […]
A variety of interconnected topics from our mysterious contributor, G Squared SPREAD THE WORD INTERNATIONALLY. FREE AUSTRALIA THIS PSYCHOPATHIC DICTATORSHIP OF AUSTRALIA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY DISEASE, REAL OR IMAGINED. WAKE UP. —————————————————————– A major False Flag looms. I can’t elaborate here; but I signalled this at least […]
The lotus Eaters express horror at emerging totalitarianism in Australia The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters 204K subscribers You can find the reading lists of each individual podcast episode on our website: https://www.lotuseaters.com/category/… Exclusive video/written content for as little as £5 a month: https://www.lotuseaters.com/register Subscribe to our other channel – […]
Only 3 days ago a man known to Police and radicalised since 2016 (take note) embarked on a stabbing spree in an Auckland supermarket, before being shot dead. Now there’s this from Berlin, Germany: Two seniors seriously injured in stabbing attack by Afghan migrant in Berlin SputnikSun, 05 Sep 2021 […]
Three Waters is a proposal developed by Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Government that will effectively ‘confiscate’ billions of dollars’ worth of local authority water infrastructure and assets from ratepayers – without fair compensation – and transfer them to four mega water authorities over which councils will have little or no control. […]
As good as you can understand under police state bullshit… Opinion by G Squared If they believe they are acting lawfully (a misnomer in a police state) they don’t care what you record, as it can only support their narrative. Hiding and lying, as has become endemic in Australia, are […]
So, this is the new face of the Taliban is it? I guess this hanging was carried out with equity, diversity and inclusivity in mind then. MH READ MORE: They Openly Mock Us Now: Taliban Hangs “Traitor” by the Throat From US Helicopter in Kandahar Left Behind by Joe Biden […]
The Science, The Statistics, and adolescent, irresponsible, dishonest and corrupt Media and Tech, partnered with criminal Deep State and the owned Elected puppets to cause the economic devastation of The West. by G Squared There will be a need for another pandemic lie before 2024 to cover the alleged unrelated genocides […]
Actually I suspect “plan” would be a more appropriate description for Afghanistan than “fault”, and Junior here was simply following the Poppy Bush and Cheney plan, but you get the gist…