Caught playing both sides of the fence! A great expose by Ben Vidgen. MH “The following excerpt is from KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation (CIA torture guide) dated July 1963: The aim of the Alice in Wonderland Tactic or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and conditioned reactions of the interrogatee, or in its current […]
MUST WATCH! Project Veritas 827K subscribers SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL! Support our work with tax deductible donation: Sign up to get our emails:… Follow us on social media: Project Veritas Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:… James O’Keefe Facebook:… Twitter: Instagram:…
Sadly, many on the left — who used to claim to stand for free speech — are now praising the collusion by big tech to censor their political enemies, completely ignoring the fact that it will inevitably turn on them whenever convenient for the establishment. by Matt Agorist (excerpt) Another point comes […]
Trump derailed the New world Order plan, but now he’s out of the way…(or is he?) Cast your mind back to the situation as of 2016. Having dealt with Bin Laden, Hussain, and Gaddafi, the Deep State and their hidden masters had North Korea’s Kim Jong Un lined up as […]
“These are the good guys” says the speaker. Are these troops here at the behest of their Commander-in-Chief, or those who want him arrested? Either way its a scene few thought they would see in their lifetime, but for those awakened, it’s straight out of the New World Order script! […]
Chris Chappell delivers the news you don’t hear but need to know in his own unique style. Please check out the channel, give ’em a like and subscribe. Jack Ma missing?! Mass arrests in Hong Kong target pro-democracy activists and even an American citizen. It happened on January 6, the […]
Trump has never been one to back down, nor to be silenced. Despite the totalitarian social media bans, Trump will find a way. But the available tech has a sinister side. As you are all aware, the almighty lords of social media have attempted to silence Trump. The Technocratic Tyranny […]
The ride to freedom has ended. As Stalin observed: it is not the votes of The People that have meaning: but the deception by those who count them. by G Squared 10/1/21 In 2016: the lie that HRC had won the popular vote was destroyed by The Electoral College. In […]
They knew protestors were coming. They knew a few troublemakers would be front-and-centre, yet there was so little resistance on the day. Now it seems the troublemakers had a little help from authority! MH Date: January 8, 2021 Author: Nwo Report Source: Joe Hoft Video has surfaced of Capitol police removing barriers holding […]
Whistleblower Maria Zack makes extraordinary claims of Italian involvement via defense contractor Leonardo and Obama. Full original Press Release at this link: Microsoft Word – 2021-01-05 NIA IGG Italy Press Rel.docx ( Naturally the MSM is now in full damage/debunk control, so lets get the story moving… Bradley Johnson, a […]