Impassioned Italian politician stands up and tells the truth. No further words necessary from me: LOGAN OUT… Ed Roth, a hero of mine from the world of custom cars,once said: “Always tell the truth kids, there’s less to remember!” How true…Martin
George W Bush is in the news again today, and once again it’s not for the only legitimate reason that he should ever be in the news, namely a war crimes tribunal. No, it’s because his voice was used in a cutesy feel-good video about unity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Caitlin Johnstonecaitlinjohnstone.comMon, […]
From an Intel Colleague: In The Argentinian side of Patagonia, China has constructed a massive Intel and Military facility greater than N.W. Cape and Pine Gap combined; and much more. Nothing to do with The Moon or Mars. My associate visited and maintained The Argentine FIA – National Directorate of […]
I have been asked to share the following communication with Uncensored readers, authored by Robert Eady. Some of you may agree or disagree with this letter in whole or in part. All I can say is follow the advice of Chris Hedges: “Condemnation without investigation is proof of indoctrination” and […]
Good old fashioned non-COVID political comment from correspondent G Squared: Flynn was just exonerated. Manafort, Gates, and Stone were also wrongly convicted by ‘The Crooked Cops’ of The FBI, The Deep State Garbage of The DOJ, and their bench partners in crime. The fraudulent chase for Concord Management and thirteen […]
In glitzy and prosperous Hong Kong, thousands live in conditions deemed an “insult to human dignity”. Low-income residents who can’t keep up with soaring property prices have no choice but to cram into homes barely bigger than a coffin or wire cage. More than 200,000 Hongkongers survive in the cramped […]
Not sure how much credence to place in the following story. One always tends to be wary of un-named sources (“a US official” is a rather broad identification, could mean an intelligence disinformation agent). Further into the report we have ” an unnamed government official” on the DKPR side. ..even […]
“The looming food shortages remind me of Soylent Green; the drones remind me of Robocop. Both movies are dystopian, and I don’t want to live in either of them.“ by Michael Prescottmichaelprescott.typepad.comMon, 13 Apr 2020 In a comments thread, I recommended a Twitter feed by a contrarian journalist named Alex Berenson, who’s covering […]
Dramatic political and social decisions are being made across the United States and around the world on what emergency quarantine measures and other steps must be taken. by F. William Engdahl New Eastern Outlook In many cases the radical and severe measures, such as shutting down the world economy, are […]
…And much, much more from China and around the world in this astoundingly honest and soberly presented NTD news report. NTD was founded in 2001 by Falun Gong practitioners, with its mission being to offer “uncensored news” about China that state-controlled media would not cover. The station has a regular focus on the promotion […]