Absurdity beyond belief. This is madness. I’m off for a spot of cycling. Hope the cop-chopper doesn’t follow me! MH (And note that one can leave one’s home once per day, which means choosing between exercise or a trip to get essential groceries). Received from Pam Vernon at EWR: from […]

Wonderful comments from the folk at SOTT.net intersperse this BBC article. Enjoy! MH BBCTue, 17 Mar 2020 10:12 UTC People are recovering from COVID-19 ‘like they would from the flu’ Comment: That’s because it IS ‘the flu’, you morons! (At least, it’s one of the many viruses – which includes […]

Admirable demolition job from this brave Aussie Senator! Can’t say I’m a great fan of Hansen’s party, but on this matter her man Roberts has got it right. Facts are facts and evidence and lies are lies. MH Independent scientists and its own authors have condemned this UN Intergovernmental Panel […]

British politicians turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of children and actively covered up allegations over decades, an independent inquiry into historical sex offences in Westminster has found. Elizabeth Howcroft – Reuters Feb 25, 2020 The inquiry did not find evidence of an organised paedophile network in its […]
