As the protests in Bahrain face violent brutal crackdowns western politicians and media remains silent raising scrutiny over their denouncement of similar violence in other regions. While western politicians trumpet their facade of being promoters of democracy, defenders of freedom, and protectors of human rights [ making bloggers everywhere sick […]
UGANDA OIL: US Africa Command, A Tool To Recolonize The African Continent The USA Africa Command, which America calls ‘Africom’, is a military structure of the Defence Department of America. Africom was formed in 2007 during President George W Bush’s second term of office. That was two months after America […]
The nine parties to the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPPA) negotiations made a dramatic and unexpected u-turn, agreeing to lift the veil of secrecy on their draft texts and background documents. Critics of the obsessive secrecy that surrounds the negotiations hailed the decision as a triumph for democracy. … The announcement […]
[ now could be a really good time to consider that whole ‘De-internationalizing Food Ownership’ thing ]
[ Jim Rogers lays it all out ] Go to https://jimrogers1.blogspot.com for the latest Jim Rogers interviews
Associate Defence Minister Julian Fantino, who is in charge of procurement, gave a similar message to the House of Commons defence committee last week, and went further by saying that Ottawa reserves the right to bail on the multibillion-dollar program. Senior officials say the Auditor-General’s harsh review is behind the […]
It’s backers and bank-rollers have been exposed. . Even the Prime Minister of Uganda, Amama Mbabzi, has said Joseph Kony isn’t in Uganda and called KONY 2012 disingenuous. But that doesn’t mean it’s over. The psychological operations, designed to exploit people’s tendencies toward guilt and cause them to beg / […]
[youtube]oAK5xzEYq7I[/youtube] $15 TRILLION is equivalent to the the federal debt of the U.S. Treasury Department. Lord James of Blackheath has spoken in the House of Lords holding evidence of three transactions of 5 Trillion each and a transaction of 750,000 metric tonnes of gold and has called for an investigation. […]