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[ Personally, I don’t have a problem with a One World Government – should such a government be operated in the interests of all humans walking the planet – rather than in the interests of whoever ends up running the One World Government. But I’m not sure that that’s the […]
Greece is the epicenter of a drama that threatens to unwind with all the intrigue and subterfuge of ancient Greek myths and tragedies. As with the legend of Icarus, big, and now bigger, transnational banks provoked the gods with their wax-and-feather financial fabrications to create the appearance of soaring wealth. […]
Hiding in our corridors of power, under negotiation, is an insidious international free trade treaty that goes against everything that democracy stands for. This TPPA threatens the future of New Zealand as an independent nation, and yet we are not allowed to know what is on the table for discussion. […]
We are all feeling it, the economy is bad. Everyday needs are getting harder and harder to meet, and don’t even think about being able to afford the ‘little pleasures’ in life, whatever yours may be. We hear about government waste all the time. And as the government literally wastes […]
[youtube]Yvq9d5JsyS0[/youtube] So they are bankrupt, they should admit it and dump the whole euro system, they should dump the euro system and go back to sovereign national currency.” – Edward Spannaus, editor of the Executive Intelligence Review The EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) say adopting austerity measures is […]
Media lies about Egypt are so confusing that the Western masses don’t care, and don’t read media articles. . Here’s the current status …
Occupy Portland calls for a national day of non-violent civil disobedience targeting corporations who are members of ALEC, one of the most successful mechanisms that the 1% uses to control legislation. We are asking people around the country to choose members of ALEC in their home towns and SHUT DOWN […]