After Iceland’s near-economic collapse laid bare deep-seated corruption, the country aims to become a safe haven for journalists and whistleblowers from around the globe by creating the world’s most far-reaching freedom of information legislation. The project is being developed with the help of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. It flies in […]
[youtube]9FhMMmqzbD8[/youtube] [ Depeche Mode probably would, too ]
The United States by every measure is hanging on by a thread to its First World status. [ … which is just what happens when someone decides to export your consumer manufacturing and automotive industries to the asian continent, all the while charging you interest on debt that is created […]
Since nixon’s evaporation of the gold standard, the US currency has been backed by little more than confidence. Confidence in the people’s lack of understanding of the monetary system that is. The federal reserve is not federal, it is privately owned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp2nu0Qdt0o They can lend multiples of what exists in […]
Government statisticians have put a number on Californians’ paycheck pain last year: about $40 billion. The federal Bureau of Economic Analysis said personal incomes of Golden State workers fell by that amount in 2009 compared with the previous year – the state’s first year-to-year decline since World War II. In […]
A recent article declares, “Tired of war, thousands of Iraqis want to go to U.S.” What it fails to mention is who triggered all the bloodshed. Who made conditions in Iraq so intolerable that these people must flee? You know who.
“Truth persists and illuminates, even if there is no one to utter it.“ Government is not the solution; rather, it is causing the problems. The below slides (view at Scribd, backup PDF) highlight the economic situation, updated from a May presentation. I’ve written about the solutions to the unemployment problem, […]
Unregulated profit-seeking corporations cannot be trusted to protect the Public, because their main objective is to make profits, not to be a do-gooder for the Public. Whenever profit-making conflicts with the Public interest, profit-making wins! Thus they become Predators on the Public, not Protectors of the Public. This is not […]