Communications from certain sources are always interesting, especially communications from Benjamin Fulford. Rothschilds done for? Can we trust the information? The truth is out there if you look hard enough! by Martin Harris It is transparently obvious, for those that have eyes to see, that Fulford supports China’s New World […]
Research Tips
A very handy resource shows the surprising proliferation of human artificially triggered or generated earthquakes around the world. While you will not find anything as controversial as HAARP or Scalar Weapons mentioned here, there are a surprising number listed as having been caused by “research”! (Sure hope my research isn’t […]
Ever wanted to quickly identify the source of an article or image? Or determine if an image has been photoshopped, faked, or re-used for purposes of misinformation? Google’s ‘Search by Image’ utility makes this task incredibly simple! Here’s how… STEP 1) SEARCH FOR IMAGES: Type in your chosen subject […]