RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Zionist settlers destroyed tens of fruitful olive trees in Al-Mughir town, northeast of Ramallah, on Friday after spraying them with a chemical material. Local sources said that the settlers spoiled 55 olive trees using a white chemical material unknown to locals, adding that the material dries the trees […]
South West Asia
Editor’s Comment (Axis of Logic.com) : One may wonder why the editors of the Wall Street Journal, fervent defenders of Israel, would choose to publish a report that suggests Israel was behind the forging of 45 passports used by 33 suspects to murder Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. In the last […]
[ I have no idea what WTC No Planers ~ Eat Your Heart Out !! means, but it’s the title of the video ] [youtube]TSXSGqL9MnE[/youtube] As I have always said, TV Fakery cannot trick eye witnesses. NO PLANER COINTELPRO Operation WeAreChangeColorado COINTELPRO, an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program, was a […]
“We’ll unleash the dogs of hell, we’ll unleash them.They don’t know what’s coming – hell is coming. If they’re civilians in there, they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time”, said Sergeant Sam Mortimer, U.S., Marines.(5) So much for international law, with Tony Blair “shoulder to shoulder”, in crime. […]