Israel, with its vast settlement expansion – including the hundreds of new homes it intends to build in East Jerusalem – makes no pretense anymore about working toward a two-state solution. It is an overtly apartheid state. Its goal is no longer rapprochement with the Palestinians but rather the carving up […]
South West Asia
[ by ‘fury’ – they mean self-righteous, hypocritical fury ] Iran is buying an ultra-sophisticated missile system from Russia to protect its nuclear sites. The S-300’s surface-to-air rockets can hit many targets at once, including in-coming cruise missiles, making any Western or Israeli strike on Iran much more difficult. [ […]
Seven Jewish Children : A Play for Gaza is a controversial six-page, 10-minute play by British playwright Caryl Churchill, written in response to the 2008-2009 Israel military strike on Gaza, performed in New Zealand on Waiheke Island in March 2010. Video clips were combined with live stage performance. […]
The movie, Green Zone, covers our attack on Iraq with considerable accuracy. The film clearly outlines how, in order to justify an illegal invasion, an American government created “false flag” intelligence. Despite any crimes Saddam may have committed, currently America has caused more civilian deaths in Iraq than Saddam […]
[ This is what Freedom & Democracy looks like ] Millions of Iraqis exist below the poverty line in a country which floats on oil and earned more than $60 billion from oil sales last year, said Mahdi Muhsen, the director of the Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology. […]
A Hamas movement’s spokesman said on Friday that the secret documents revealed by the Israeli media on the Israeli war on Gaza are enough to be a proof to sue the Israeli leaders at international courts. An investigative report published in the Israeli Ha’aretz Daily Thursday revealed documents showing that […]
It was Gordon Brown as the then Chancellor of the Exchequer who paid for Depleted Uranium weapons which cause severe birth defects like those happening today in Iraq. Please see these videos- Huge rise in birth defects in Fallujah as reported by The Guardian-… Deformed babies in Fallujah […]
AIPAC : We’ll Take Over the UC Berkeley Student Government by Cecilie Surasky Why bother with moral persuasion when you can just threaten to take over government . . . everywhere? On March 18, UC Berkeley’s student senate voted 16 to 4 in favor of divesting from companies that profit […]
Of all the misunderstandings that guide US foreign policy – including foreign commercial policy – perhaps the most important and long-lasting is the failure to recognise or understand what national self-determination means to most people in the world. Or why it might be important to them. Our leaders seem to […]