This week, President Lula kicked off his tour of the Middle East, the first time a Brazilian head of state has been to Israel. His visit began on Sunday in Israel, and Lula will continue on to the West Bank to meet with Palestinian leaders and to Jordan to conclude […]
South West Asia
“Even Winston Churchill remarked that the control of the masses of Jews throughout the world by so few was ‘remarkable’. He couldn’t work out how so many scattered people could be so heavily manipulated and kept apart from the world.” – R. Allison Alan Hart views the myth and reality […]
Some video art / personal propoganda from Steeper33 … quite good really, (if A Perfect Circle is your thing ).
Japan is to improve access to water supplies in rural communities in the West Bank, following the donation of 193,960 US dollars for two projects on Tuesday. Through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP), Japan will provide funding for a cisterns project in Hebron and the rehabilitation […]
Maidhc Ó Cathail names and shames the top 19 politicians, academics and policy makers – all con men and all Zionists – who lied and conspired to steer the US towards aggression against the Iraqi people. [ Iraq War Casualties ] This month marks the seventh anniversary of the invasion […]
[ will be interesting to see if this goes anywhere – Israeli border expansion through settlements is at the heart of this conflict. ] Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton rebuked Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday about the state of the U.S.-Israeli relationship, demanding that Israel take immediate […]
Commentary by Chippy Dee, Photos © by Bud Korotzer On March 9th there was a $1,000 a plate fundraising dinner at New York’s Waldorf Astoria for the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) – the same folks that rained death and destruction on Gaza a little over a year ago. The dinner […]
You may know and you may not know and you may like me less afterwards when you do know but… one of my greater enjoyments is movies. Good movies. There are a number of ways to watch a movie, I won’t list them and if you think about it you […]
[ Bush II – War Criminal & America’s Worst President, like, ever ] LAW sent the attached letter today to the RCMP War Crimes Program requesting them to: begin an investigation of George W. Bush for aiding, abetting and counseling torture between November 13, 2001 and November 2008 at Guantánamo […]
An Israeli company based in Melbourne is spread through Oz operating Shopping Mall Stalls selling beauty products. Aptly, the product they carpet bag is called “Seacret – Minerals From The Dead Sea”. I have been tracked by Israeli Intelligence and their network of “Sayanim” (jewish helpers) since 2007. They turned […]