If it’s anti-zionist or anti-Israel, you can be sure it will be removed. That is how YouTube operates.
South West Asia
Christopher King argues that “a situation exists in which it may be in the interests of the United States to seek a ‘cold war’ situation with Russia and China as a pretext for defaulting on its external debt, attacking Iran, taking direct control of all Middle Eastern oilfields and effective […]
“The morons in Washington are pushing the envelope of nuclear war. The insane drive for American hegemony threatens life on earth. The American people, by accepting the lies and deceptions of “their” government, are facilitating this outcome.” Read the rest here
Ctrl Alt Shift Film Competition Winner filmed on the Canon 5d mk 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zZhVekDq5Y
American security guards charged with killing two civilians in Afghanistan had criminal records, a Senate committee has heard. They were guilty of assault, battery and drug-taking in the past. The men were in Afghanistan with a subsidiary of the private security firm Blackwater, previously accused of murdering civilians in Iraq.
Jonathan Cook argues that conflict of interest, in the sense of being immersed in, and having a symbiotic relationship with, the Israeli Zionist elite while purporting to be neutral, appears to have become a prerequisite for being a Western media bureau chief or senior editor in Israel. ”Like the crime […]
24 February 2010 While focusing on issues the mainstream media ignores and while digging for information the UK government would rather you didn’t know, Press TV journalist Amina Taylor searches for the truth behind the headlines of the most important stories in the UK. In this episode of “The Big […]