[From the Beeb, Human Rights Watch, and CSPANJunkie comes more naziesque crap from people that should know better about how not to treat others – based on their own historical experience.] https://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/cspanjunkie/israeli-soldiers-fired-civilians-wavin
South West Asia
[ … because – really – that’s all that’s going on here … ] NZ SAS ~ Complicit In Torture & Civilian Casualties From Peace Movement Aotearoa Kia ora, as you will have heard by now, Cabinet decided yesterday to deploy the SAS in Afghanistan again. A decision rather at […]
[From the Global Peace And Justice Auckland Newsletter] PROTEST: No SAS Troops to Afghanistan – 12 noon Saturday 22nd August outside Papakura Military Camp, Grove Road, Papakura. A car convoy will leave from Unite Union office, 6A Western Springs Road, Morningside. Gather at 11am. Papakura Military Camp is the training […]
By HANAN AWAREKEH Israel seems to be determined to continue its psychological and media warfare against Lebanon, three years on its defeat in the Second Lebanon War. Israeli bullying also seems to be a part of turning the International concern away from building its illegal settlements in occupied Jerusalem and […]
“We hear war called murder. It is not: it is suicide.” – Ramsay MacDonald, British prime minister 1931-1935 By Dahr Jamail Wednesday 05 August 2009 www.truthout.org Sergio Kochergin, back home from his second deployment in Iraq, held a gun in his mouth, trying to muster the courage to pull the […]
by Jason Ditz, August 06, 2009 A US military helicopter launched an overnight attack on a group of what it believed were “militants loading munitions into a van,” killing five of them. According to police in the rural district of the Kandahar Province, they weren’t militants, and those weren’t […]
EVICTED PALESTINIANS BEATEN BY TERRORIST SETTLERS Kawther Salam The settlers used stones, sticks, and chairs in their criminal attack again al-Gawi and Hannoun families. [ it’s always uninspiring when racist, supremacist, thugs continously manage to utterly fail at learning anything at all of value from history ] Photos Yesterday August […]
More than democracy, Washington wants stability in the Middle East. That means leaning against the interests of the Jewish state. by Robert D. Kaplan [Photo : www.zoriah.net] Not since the days of Henry Kissinger’s Mid-East shuttle diplomacy in the 1970s has America’s foreign policy toward Israel been characterized by such […]
Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 5 Issue: 137 July 18, 2008 12:00 AM Age: 1 yrs Category: Eurasia Daily Monitor, Middle East By: John C. K. Daly, Jamestown Foundation A simple, one-sentence Russian language news item published by Russia’s Interfax on July 14 seemingly signals yet another tectonic shift in the […]
Gary M. Burge, The Electronic Intifada, 3 August 2009 Right-wing Israelis demonstrate in Jabal Mukabber after hundreds ransacked the village in occupied East Jerusalem, destroying Palestinian property, March 2008. I recently returned from the Holy Land after leading about 40 Presbyterians from Galilee to Jerusalem. This isn’t new territory for […]