Imperial Bedrooms is a novel by American author Bret Easton Ellis. Released on June 15, 2010, it is the sequel to Less Than Zero, Ellis’ 1985 bestselling literary debut, which was shortly followed by a film adaptation in 1987. Imperial Bedrooms revisits Less Than Zero’s self-destructive and disillusioned youths as […]

[ Saw this last night and – while it was technically and visually superb ? – I was -shit- bored. About halfway through – I started wondering just  how many American children could have been better educated for USD 170 Mill ] If you kind of, sort of liked the […]

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This episode is virtually identical to what’s really going on. Not really a surprise since George Lucas is extremely familiar with the world cycles of tyranny, freedom, dictators, evil, the dark side, oppression, police states and more. It’s been said the further back in time you go, the […]
