“Utilizing the INERTIAL MASS REDUCTION DEVICE our United States Warfighters will achieve Battlefield Supremacy Against all foes” Department of Defense/Department of Navy, case PAX 205 by Martin Harris 7/7/23 A bold and grandiose statement from a recently declassified proposal for a radical new device. But what is this Inertial Mass […]

Pentagon up to its usual shady shenanigans in other words. Exactly what’s being obscured by this latest UFO disclosure game is unclear (hardly surprisingly) but everyone has their ear to the ground and an eye on the sky. MH Pentagon ‘unable’ to confirm or deny discovery of materials originating from […]

UFO Disclosure is getting serious now. While I have much more to say on this matter in an upcoming item, this “amnesty bill” is worth highlighting right here and now. Shades of the old MIB scenario! There is something much closer to earth than ET in the focus on “trans-medium […]
