This is disgusting. Australia has truly surrendered it’s freedom of choice: Thursday, May 18, 2017 by: Isabelle Z. Tags: Australia, Vaccine injuries, vaccines (Natural News) If you live in Australia and want to exercise your right not to vaccinate your kids, you’d better be prepared to pay for that […]
From Pam Vernon at Envirowatchrangetikei: 12-year-old bedridden, paralyzed after HPV vaccine-PLUS watch ‘The Truth About Vaccines’ screening now April 14, 2017 Pam Vernon The track record on this vaccine (Gardasil) just keeps getting worse. Please do watch the series screening right now called ‘The Truth About Vaccines’ at […]
Is Australia Becoming A Fascist State? RE: NEW AUSTRALIAN POLICE STATE: COMPULSORY VACCINATION The Australian ex banker and globalist PM Malcolm Turnbull has announced that he wants to stop all unvaccinated children from attending childcare centres and preschools across Australia. Our TV News here in New Zealand this morning showed […]
‘PM Malcolm Turnbull pushes for childcare ban for unvaccinated children ANNIKA SMETHURST Malcolm Turnbull meets with Toni McCaffery, who lost her daughter Dana in 2009 to whooping cough. UNVACCINATED children will be banned from all childcare centres and preschools in Australia under a hard line proposal spearheaded by the federal […]
Herd immunity used for fear and guilt Mar6 by Jon Rappoport Herd immunity, pop version, fraud by Jon Rappoport March 6, 2017 Hail to the herd! The herd is all! The concept of herd immunity (protection for the population) is often used by vaccine addicts as a way to push guilt […]
Controversial anti-vaccine movie Vaxxed is set to premiere under stealth in New Zealand next month, prompting fears that the film could lead to more children missing out on vaccination. Ticket buyers will only be notified of the venue by text or email three hours before its screening in a bid […]
ALERT U.S. CDC Giving Itself Unconstitutional POWERS to Round Up and Detain Citizens En Masse Anytime, Anywhere And Throw Away the Key ALERT U.S. CDC Giving Itself Unconstitutional POWERS to Round Up and Detain Citizens En Masse Anytime, Anywhere And Throw Away the Key By Catherine J Frompovich The U.S. […]
19 Aug 2016 | The United Nations is saying for the first time that it was involved in the introduction of cholera to Haiti and needs to do “much more” to end the suffering of those affected, estimated at more than 800,000 people. Researchers say there is ample evidence that […]
“Within half an hour” of Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Film Festival posting on its Facebook page that it had scheduled an April viewing of Vaxxed, the highly controversial anti-vaccine documentary, “a well-oiled network of scientists, autism experts, vaccine advocacy groups, film-makers and sponsors cranked into gear to oppose it.” At […]