Tucker Carlson absolutely dismantled an Australian journalist while taking questions at the sold-out Australian Freedom Conference in Canberra, as part of his Australian tour. by Tyler Durden This is just embarrassing… After discussing a wide range of topics – including the release of Julian Assange, woke corporations, and corrupt pharmaceutical companies (watch here), […]

Not that kind of mask. The latex kind. With the hyper-realism of physical disguises reaching this level, one has to wonder who Trump will be up against in the upcoming presidential debate: The decrepit, mentally vacant Joe Biden, or Obama in a mask? Wouldn’t you love to see a “Scooby […]

“We…found examples of people who upon leaving hospital found DNACPR decisions in their discharge papers without any discussion having been had with them… if they contracted COVID; they were being written off.” Adam Stachura- Director of AGE Scotland Dr. John Campbell https://www.covid19inquiry.scot/sites… As an example, somebody got in touch with […]
