If this virus got out, IT WOULD KILL 80% OF ALL WHO CAUGHT IT! Please share this video, this research must STOP. Gain of function research in the USA today using enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research Professor Shmuel Shapira, lead scientist, Israeli Government https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/ar… This should be totally forbidden, […]
A great summation, and surely how the Covid pandemic response failure should be remembered in the history books. But was it a mistake or planned to go this way? EDIFY11.6K subscribers 2020 saw a rise in suicide, anxiety, depression, fear, isolation, and anger. Problems all caused by the disastrous public […]
CEO Arrested in ‘Massive Data Breach’ Case, Given $500K Bond, House Arrest With Ankle Monitor Resources: 🔵 Sekur: https://ept.ms/3yW0Wul 🔵 Epoch TV: https://ept.ms/TransBattleRM 🔵 Initial DA Statement: https://epochtim.es/fbGSiaa 🔵 Criminal Charges PDF: https://epochtim.es/Kq4oGuu 🔵 Case Analysis: https://epochtim.es/qgP64rqqhttps://epochtim.es/rUmZ6ii —————- ⭕️ Follow us on GAN JING WORLD: https://www.ganjingworld.com/channel/… ⭕️ Subscribe for updates: […]
A brave and honourable man and a passionate environmentalist who saw through the CO2 Climate Change lie. Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life The Late Late Show (2009) For information: David Bellamy was interviewed on Channel 4 news on 10 May 2005 (simply Google “david […]
Trump wants a peaceful solution in Ukraine. He wants to prevent WW3? Oh, what an evil fascist he is! Whatever the motivation, Donald Trump is calling for an immediate “peaceful end” to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Bloody typical of him and his loyal band of rampant fascists. #trump #war #putin References: […]
THOSE WHO CANNOT REMEMBER THE PAST ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT: Is collapse inevitable? The latest of many great and very informative videos from The Academy of Ideas. I’ve been a subscriber for several years now and find the content to be top-tier and presented in a sober and intelligent […]
UFO Disclosure? In this video, we take a look at some of the claims made by Carol Rosin regarding a potential fake alien threat/invasion and see how those claims stack up against current events. Concealed Unsealed Concealed Unsealed 214 subscribers SEE ALSO: …and of course you’ll find a multitude of […]
“the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac- related death among men in this age group. The State Surgeon General now recommends against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old.” From Dr. John Campbell YouTube Channel Florida, Guidance for mRNA COVID-19 […]
Mainstream Media corruption, Police dirty tactics, it’s all here. Thanks to Liz Gunn of FreeNZ Liz Gunn speaks with Brenton Faithfull, a funeral director and a Justice of the Peace, about his experiences over the last year in New Zealand. FreeNZ on Odysee.com: https://odysee.com/@FreeNZ:d/220930—BrentonFaithfull:5 SOURCE: ClareSwinney
A fascinating interview with the legendary Gary McKinnon, NASA hacker who landed himself in very hot water with US Intelligence after finding among other things a list of “Non-Terrestrial Officers” and vessels that appeared to be a secret space fleet. Gary McKinnon got into a lot of problems while looking […]