Where did the Nine Million Dollars come from Joe? And watch for bombshell revelation at 23:40 ! …We can’t “fix” Trump… The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters 94.7K subscribers Subscribe to our other channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnw5… Follow us: Parler – https://parler.com/profile/lotuseater… Twitter – https://twitter.com/lotuseaters_com Gab […]
Fantastic video channel that collates the best of current events lunacy. Here’s episode 24. Be sure to give the channel a thumbs-up and support the creator. The Outer Light77.9K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ www.subscribestar.com/TheOuterLight 👁 https://www.Patreon.com/TheOuterDark 📄 https://hive.blog/@theouterlighthttps://www.bitchute.com/channel/theo… 3Speak: https://3speak.online/user/theouterlight Chat-room: 👾 https://discord.gg/2YNKCwc
The Pfizer Covid vaccine is already being administered to the public in the UK, and the first doses have been given in the US ahead of a mass vaccination campaign on a global scale. DECEMBER 18, 2020 By Spiro Skouras It is important to recognize that the Pfizer Covid vaccine has […]
Testimony under oath constitutes evidence. “We The People” appear to have defeated YouTube’s election fraud censorship attempt! Massive views on some of these Election Fraud Evidence videos, such as the item below which gained over 100K views within an hour of uploading. Phenomenal. NTD 1.12M subscribers Over 40 witnesses spoke […]
MUST WATCH! Think twice before taking this vaccine. International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, exposes a remarkable truth about the covid-19 vaccine. You must watch and share this. Click on the following link to go to Dr Coleman’s website then click on the health button http://www.vernoncoleman.comThank you […]
The only Christmas message you need to hear Serbian warns America: Fight Now before you are weakened and enslaved under Socialism/tyranny. (bitchute.com) And that applies not just to America.
A young Australian man who was critically ill with COVID-19 and suffering early stages of sepsis made a remarkable recovery after being given massive doses of vitamin C, according to his doctors. From https://www.abc.net.au/ (yes this an MSM story!) Professor Rinaldo Bellomo, director of Intensive Care at Melbourne’s Austin Health, […]
Here you go folks. See for yourself: Will all our “brave” leaders be vaccinated “live” with empty syringes too? They could at least have used saline solution to give some authenticity! The hospital issued a statement on Wednesday afternoon, saying the nurse in question was inoculated “again” to “remove any doubt raised that […]
Advisory: Disturbing video content “Doom Fetito is a deeply perverse form of activism. The game involves killing pro-life women before shooting to death an unborn baby with a shotgun at the end.”. (Martin comments: Apparently YouTube finds this content OK, unlike political content that doesn’t follow the narrative!) “The ‘game’ […]
COVID 19 and the Climate “emergency” Agenda: How they are instigating the New World Order AKA The Great Reset. Three videos that somehow slipped through the YT censorship machine! Chairman of the FMF Rule of Law Board of Advisors and a former judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa, […]