There’s no hiding the connection anymore: Canadian and US authorities recommending face masking amidst cries of “Climate Emergency” The two streams of the same agenda merge seamlessly. MH From Clown World YT Channel: From Off-Guardian: Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian June 8, 2023 Canadian wildfires are all over the headlines, but […]

Left-wing arsonists are setting many of the wild fires in Western states… but why? Monday, September 14, 2020 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) It’s now abundantly clear that left-wing arsonists are setting many of the wildfires that are exploding across Western states. Naturally, Oregon fire officials have now “officially” denied the […]

– “…We are currently in the second generation, specifically marked by theadvances in computer CPU technology. Advances in the third generation will allow for much of the diamond nano-skinned balloon systems to function. The fourth generation will converge networkability, energy conversion and molecular scale activities in atmospheric change” The Smoking […]

Update: Governor Jerry Brown has requested a Major Disaster Declaration from President Trump, while a state of emergency has been declared in Los Angeles, Ventura and Butte counties. From Brown’s request: “If granted, a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration would make individuals in the impacted counties eligible for a number of […] Published on Jun 29, 2017 June 29, 2017: **Millions of acres are at risk it is so incredibly dry** Nationally, 30 large fires have burned nearly 180,000 acres. Twenty new large fires were reported in nine states. More than 8,000 firefighters and support personnel are assigned to wildfires […]
