Simply superb: Must watch! misesmedia Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 16 July 2020. License Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell
Sunday the 30th August 2020 is a day that some people in West and South Auckland won’t get back. Why? There was a long wait at testing stations after a message went out to get tested even if they didn’t have symptoms – and it turned out the government got […]
In a recent interview on French television Prof. Jean-François Toussaint of the Université Paris-Descartes has said that hysteria over a “second wave” in France is based on the widespread misinterpretation of data. His main points are as follows: Deaths in France (and all across Europe) have fallen to almost zero. “Second Wave” […]
BIG STORY – PLEASE SHARE: PCR test that is producing the ‘virus cases’ triggering the new lockdowns worldwide is testing for genetic codes that every human has and NOT THE ‘VIRUS’ – David Icke talks with Dr Andrew Kaufman about the astonishing hoax transforming human society Watch the video Here: […]
The figures of those admitted to hospital for coronavirus during the peak of the pandemic were over-reported, it was revealed last night. Britons who were suffering from other illnesses were included in data collected to monitor the virus outbreak Patients were categorised as Covid-19 admissions if they’d ever tested positive for the […]
All the lockdown, the military involvement, the drama, the suicides, the fear of being pulled from your family & detained in a quarantine/detention center … are they really justified with 17 deaths ? Note from the OI request that the 5 who weren’t positive, were assumed covid. Read the detail. […]
The UK government has once again revised down figures relating to the coronavirus crisis. Source: Niamh Harris Date: August 16, 2020 Author: Nwo Report This time they quietly removed around 1.3m coronavirus tests from official data citing ‘double counting’ and raising fresh questions about the accuracy of the testing figures. The damning news […]
I’ve been interested in how Sweden handled Covid-19 as they have a population size similar to ours but did not lock the country down. By Jo at Red Sky in the Morning Here’s an article by Sebastian Rushworth, a practicing physician in Stockholm, Sweden.Summing up his report, he said, “the […]
A “Must read” for everyone! Don’t believe the lies, educate yourself! Denis G. Rancourt, PhDresearchgate.netMon, 03 Aug 2020 10:27 UTC A vile new mantra is on the lips of every public health official and politician in the global campaign to force universal masking on the general public: “there is a […]
The healthcare program Tricare at the United States Department of Defense Military Health System falsely told more than 600,000 people they had been infected with the novel coronavirus, according to the Daily Wire. Turns out they had never been tested. From Pam Vernon, EWR MyLegalHelpUSA The healthcare program Tricare at the United […]