Welcome back to #NewWorldNextWeek — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. By The Corbett Report This week: Story #1: State Attorneys General Urge U.S. to Let Other Firms Make Gilead COVID-19 Drug Red Flags Soar As […]
What Your Doctor Won’t Tell
As NZ’s government ramps up for “COVID 20”, they do a sudden U-Turn on face mask advice. by Martin Harris 6/8/20 Why? Previous advice steered away from mask use based on sound evidence. We’ve presented plenty of good solid scientific information here at at Uncensored that backs up Ashley Bloomfield’s […]
ACT NOW! Freedom to make informed choices, or enforced medication? From Pam Vernon at EWR: Petition request: That the House of Representatives urge theGovernment to ensure that the use of any coronavirus vaccine isvoluntary in New Zealand and that no coercion will be applied to NZersfrom Government or private entities to take it. […]
“Why are social media company employees with no medical degree or clinical experience censoring the perspectives of practicing physicians?” Sott.netTue, 04 Aug 2020 Dr. Simone Gold, a board certified emergency physician who was recently fired after 20 years as an emergency room physician for participating in the America’s Frontline Doctors […]
The mysterious Neuralink chip was previously in the headlines when the founder of the company, Elon Musk, said that the chip will be able to stream music straight into the wearer’s brain–and now, the tech CEO has revealed more details about it. By Nhx T. Tech Times Hear Beyond Frequencies and Amplitudes In a […]
This so-called Covid 19 pandemic is creating financial mayhem with virtually no sector left unaffected – except for big pharmaceutical companies. The pay-off for these companies will be huge. From Jo at Red Sky In The Morning So how did the big pharmaceutical companies move their product? How were […]
In 2019, telecom executives gave U.S. congressional testimony that they have NO scientific evidence that 5G is safe. This is one of many reasons why American opposition to 5G continues to increase. JULY 24, 2020 By B.N. Frank State representatives in Hawaii have introduced a bill to ban deployment until studies show that it’s […]
I have said this since day one! It is inevitable you’ll have those who refuse to take the vaccine, even though President Trump has been promoting one that’s on its way and would likely hit the stage before the end of the year. Wayne DupreeRTWed, 22 Jul 2020 What will […]
Not only are face masks dangerous to your health and dehumanising, it seems they are likely made with slave labour. MH From The Guardian 22/7/20 © Provided by The Guardian Photograph: Reuters Face masks manufactured at a Chinese factory using allegedly coerced Uighur labour are being sold in Australia, the Guardian […]
Powerful words indeed, and from a Mainstream Media source, no less! Take heed: Masks Do more harm than good! MH Peter Hitchens – Mail on Sunday July 19, 2020 (UK) In the name of Covid, the State has already thrust itself into every corner of our existence. It has come between […]