Was SARS CoV-2 man made and if so by whom? First some illuminating figures: Hunger kills 9 million people every year. That’s 30 times more than SARS-CoV-2 and its alleged 365,000 deaths. It would cost between $7 and $249 billion to eradicate hunger. Meanwhile, the U.S. has already thrown more than $6 trillion at the coronavirus crisis. That […]

Very, very, disturbing. This sets a dangerous precedent: Is all non-conformance to be deemed psychopathic ? Watch out. MH Eric W. Dolan – Psypost.org June 7, 2020 New research provides some initial evidence that certain antagonistic personality traits are associated with ignoring preventative measures meant to halt the spread of […]

Last week, a California abortionist testified under oath that there is “no question” abortionists are allowing babies to be born alive in order to harvest their organs, a report from LifeSiteNews revealed.  From dailywire.com Testifying during a preliminary hearing in the criminal case against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt earlier […]

The Korean Government funded a study which also suggests that exposure to a commonly used wireless frequency can impact us – especially children. By B.N. Frank JUNE 15, 2020 There is actually quite a bit of research that has already determined that exposure to various sources of Electromagnetic Radiation (aka “Electrosmog”) […]

Explosive revelations: Must Listen! Via theConTrail.com, thanks to Rose EXCLUSIVE: Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing Deal With Democratic Congressman Sponsor of Bill Six Months BEFORE Coronavirus PandemicTruePundit (start the podcast at 1hr 25mins in…) BREAKING: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped negotiate who would score a $100 billion government-backed Contact […]
